


Introducing Ripper, the ultimate tool for adding a realistic ripped edge effect to your artwork. With just a few clicks, you can transform your designs into edgy and grungy masterpieces. Ripper is quick, easy to use, and delivers stunning results. Whether you want to create a vintage poster, a rebellious album cover, or a gritty promotional material, Ripper has got you covered. Best of all, it’s available for free for personal use when you subscribe!
How it works
  1. Draw a rectangle the same size as your design.
  2. Add a 3 pixel white stroke
  3. Press play on the action
  4. Done!

The action also works well for creating folds and scores in your paper texture as well as quick and dirty (none destructive) Ink Bleed effect.

To add a more realistic Ink effect, tweak the ‘underlying layer’ sliders using the Blend if mode.

Free to download when you subscribe

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